Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Urban Center :: Place d’Youville

The Urban Center is a meeting place and intellectual venue for architectural discourse in the city. The relationship between Use / Event / Program is critical to the Urban Center. How will one use the space? How will events happen in this space? What is the program of the place?

The Urban Center will present major lectures, symposia, exhibitions, supporting research and advocacy for urbanism. Using the program Exhibit : Present : Study : Distribute : Administrate how will the urban center relate to its formal context and geometry? How does the Urban Center directly engage Place d'Youville, its double facade, and its underground connection? The sewer will act as a passage between the Urban Center and the Archaeological Museum.

Program ::


Meet < individual & group




You will create one new paper model, foam model, hybrid model (use both foam and paper), and develop a list of events that may happen at the Urban Center for Wednesday. Think about the types of events, their cycle, their duration, their intensity, and their audience and create a catalog using these terms. Look at your models and focus on the seeing the space of the event. Look at your models to create your event catalog. Use your program : Exhibit : Meet : Study : Distribute : and Administrate while building your models and your catalog.

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